坏账准备的账务处理(Handling of Bad Debt Provision in Accounting)

Handling of Bad Debt Provision in Accounting

Bad debt provision is an important aspect of accounting, especially for businesses that extend credit to their customers. It refers to the estimated amount of potential losses from uncollectible debts that a company sets aside in its financial statements.

In accordance with legal requirements, companies need to adhere to specific procedures when handling bad debt provision:

  • Identification: The company must identify accounts receivable that have become significantly overdue and are deemed as doubtful or uncollectible.
  • Estimation: The company needs to estimate the amount of bad debt provision based on historical data, creditworthiness of the debtors, and other relevant factors.
  • Recording: The company should record the bad debt provision as an expense in its income statement and create a corresponding contra-asset account in its balance sheet.
  • Recovery: If there is a recovery on previously written-off bad debts, the company should reverse the provision and record the recovered amount as income.

By properly handling bad debt provision, companies can accurately reflect the financial position and performance in their financial statements. It also helps to mitigate the impact of bad debts on profitability and liquidity.



  • 建立坏账准备计提制度:企业应该根据实际情况建立针对性的坏账准备计提制度,并按照该制度去计提坏账准备,做到反应真实情况。
  • 及时检查账龄:企业应该定期检查应收账款的账龄,发现超过期限的账款及时催款或调配风险等级,并进行坏账准备计提。
  • 及时处理坏账并清理账户:企业发现了坏账后要及时处理坏账,清算账户并核销应收账款,避免坏账风险带来的经济损失。
  • 加强内部控制:企业要加强内部控制,完善财务管理制度,统一决策,规范业务操作,提高风险控制能力。





  • 首先,需要按照会计政策确定各个帐户坏账的准备率,一般一年会进行一次坏账准备的计提。
  • 如果发现帐户有逾期的情况,就需要及时将其列为坏账。
  • 按照坏账准备的比率对预提坏账进行计算。
  • 按照贷方科目的贷方余额中减去该科目预提坏账的额度得到净额,这个净额就是在该科目下的坏账损失。
  • 最后,需要及时在账务上进行处理,对坏账进行清理,同时调整对应科目的余额。

